"I will tell you, Gabi. Don't worry I will tell you!" That's what my boyfriend said to me the other day while entering the room. I looked at him with what the heck are you talking about look. And with a cheeky smile on his face he said: "You know... when you grow old and start growing la moustache, don't worry I will advise you to do something about it." And after that he burst into laughing and so did I. And then almost instantly I replied:"Humm... but I won't have it any because my grandmother doesn't have and neither my mum, so nothing to worry about on that department."
I kept quite for a couple of minutes and happily I told him that will notify when he start growing hair on his ears. His face expression went from smiling to cheerless. As I kept staring at him trying to understand why all of the sudden isn't funny anymore. In a sheepish way he said:" I have already..." *I'm laughing so hard at this moment* He also admitted that he has plucked a few already. LOL.
Flash backs: I remember my teenage years hanging out with my sister's friends. Ohh man, always felt like we were in a comedy play. We would hang out usually in someone's house for a coffee and spend whole afternoon together. We would literally laugh non stop... One of the jokes we used to make was the story of a girl with la moustache or how we used to said le bigodon. And we would repeat this signalizing with a finger in our upper lip every time we saw someone with le bigodon. haha
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