Monday, 25 June 2012

God of the impossible

Yes, that's my God.

He makes the impossible become possible. I trust my Lord Jesus Christ will turn things for the better in my life and in the life of my beloved ones, so that His name can be glorified and honored around the world. And all man will see and realized that He exists and He is very much alive.

Even in time of tribulations, we must glorified His name. We must seek His face. We must call after His name.

I believe in His promises.

That's why Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour - I give to you all my problems and doubts that come to my mind and I will leave to You, to find a solution for them. Because your ways are better than mine. Your plans are higher than mine. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amem

And as Pastor Fabio Rodrigues preached last Sunday. Jesus used the natural to show us the supernatural. Luke 18: 1-8

NEVER give up! 

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