Uh la la the Underground is getting updated!! Thank God! I just jumped on this train on my way to Uni and even smell it like a new toy. New seats, new paint, new map and seems a bit bigger too. It looked and felt great!!!
Well, about time I shall said...I don't get it how in 1º World country British people has to deal with bad conditions on the Underground.
The other day on these free newspapers (can't remember which one now) mention that we share our seats and air with more than 200 cockroaches more than thousand different kinds of flees and bacterias. DISGUSTING!!!!! Bad bad.
Other thing is that they named Underground for a reason but it should be Deep ground. Most of stations you need to take a escalator or a lift to get to the trains level. The escalators are so deep and seriously some of them seems to go down in a 45º degrees angle. In the Summer its almost impossible to bear with the heat down there. Air-cons are a must have during the Olympics.
Anyway, from the look of things I guess London is getting ready for 2012. Although, some super renovations are indeed needed on our daily friend: Underground!
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