It's been ages since I was here last, in fact it's been a year since my last post. Wow. Anyway, I've decided to take blogging another chance. Let's see how long this one will last...
Today I will talk about my experiences with subcription magazines the ones you get those amazing deals and gifts when you sign them.
I'm so frustrated at the moment. I always love the idea of having magazines/newspapers delivered to your door plus that they cost much less if you subscribe them...
In the begining is fun and all but I started to realize out of 200 pages 180 is advertizing plus is full of overpriced stuff. I don't see myself being able to afford any of what is in those pages. It's never ending advertorials and ad campaign telling you to buy this or that...Gheez.
Well, maybe if I really put myself into saving mode for a couple of months, perharps I will be able to afford a Mulberry bag.
I've tried many times to get in touch with their customers services but they sure take their time on answering emails... but eventually they finally answered.
I've got my cancelation and surprisingly they will reimburse me for the money they took from my account just before I've cancel. So, in the end I guess I should have been more patient and understand that customers services people have a life too.