Thursday, 25 February 2010

One of my projects for Uni.

I'm being given grades for this one as we speak. I cut it some parts of it otherwise would be too long.

“… [The] television screen today becomes a sort of mirror for Narcissus, a space for narcissistic exhibitionism” (Bourdieu, 1996:14).
Nowadays the obsession for being the most talked personality at the moment has brought celebrities, high profile people, royal family and government to use “…television as an instrument that offers, theoretically, the possibility of reaching everybody.’ (Bourdieu, 1996:14). Television has been an essential tool for media and society. It helps to bring up opinions, warnings or community issues that need to be revised. Television can help the Labour party win an election or it can damage your public image for a long period of time. So, the more you want to raise your public image with television, the higher the risks of a negative result. As Berkeley said ‘to be is to be perceived.’(Bourdieu, 1996:14).

In the case of Jacqui Janes and Gordon Brown, the fact that her son died in a War in Afghanistan, it was in this case almost terribly omitted. The newspapers and websites went crazy and ballistic because the Prime Minister had misspelt her son’s name. As Bourdieu says: “Journalists have special “glasses” through which they see things and not others, and through which they see the things they see in the special way they see them. (Bourdieu, 1996:19). Journalists see things in different ways and a lot of times distort societies view of things. They do this mostly for their audience, in which they know would be more interested in ordinary things such as a misspelling in a letter of condolence, rather than an actual fact. Turning the focus on banal things to please the not - so - sophisticated general audience, as well as, their employer. For example, in a headline in The Times Online, journalist Robert Crampton wrote: “Gordon Brown screwed up by not screwing it up.” It’s not acceptable to some journalists, that in a letter of condolence, written by someone that has millions of extremely important things to do during the day, he is the prime minister after all, manage to misspell some words. In The Sun newspaper, splashed out “Bloody shameful” and “PM couldn’t even get our name right.”

The media focuses on things that are irrelevant to our cultural growth just to show us how society is heading for a slump related to culture and education. A good example of this kind of media focus is the saga of Katie Price and Peter Andre. In this case it is a bit different since they both live in the public eye and are used to using the media. Although, a lot of what is shown from their life together as a couple was completely ‘made up’ for television. “Television calls for dramatization” (Bourdieu, 1996:19). Living their lives in constant worry of what society would think of them and what really would change society’s view of them as a couple. Once that didn’t work out anymore they got divorced. “…images have the peculiar capacity to produce what literary critics call a reality effect” (Bourdieu, 1996:21).

In conclusion we have to end up by agreeing with Bourdieu statements about press and television. It’s a world of drama and conflicts. Some will lose and some will win. A lot of good journalists get caught up in this world and are drawn to this orbit without realizing it. The embarrassment that the prime minister had to carry for a couple of months, for misspelling Jacqui Janes son’s name and the disgraceful story of Katie Price and Peter Andre, just shows us again that journalists, producers and artists see things differently and some of them will suffer to keep up with the demands of commercial television where is based on numbers of viewers and ratings. A lot of what is on television today is there for a reason and the main goal is to reach as many people as they can. So, if the population is keen on knowing of ‘What Katie Did Next’ or what Jacqui Janes thinks about Gordon Brown that’s exactly what is going to be the headlines of tabloids and talk shows of Britain.

Tell me what do you think?


30 seconds to Mars at Wembley Arena last night

30 seconds to mars

They were AMAZING!!

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Ohh Sunday & LFW

Hello dear all!
Sorry, couldn't blog yesterday. Had to help a friend out by doing a small show at Fashion Scout in which follows up the LDN Fashion Week. I did a show for Carlotta Gherzi. She is an italian designer but grown up in Moscow (I found this out in the bathroom just before the show started, by one of her pr people - errr yes, I overheard) where she designs for Sado - if you're interested. Gherzi AW10 collection for Sado was relaxed, cool and comfortable.
The show was fantastic! The clothes were so pretty and that made me realize of how good it feels to go down a real catwalk. With all those flashing lights at you, you're basic the center of the attention plus those butterflies in my stomach ahhhh felt great! Shame it's my only show for this season, since I don't do fashion week because of my height. 5'8'' Yes, is too short indeed! Anyway, I had fun and thanks to my sweet friend Juliana too she made this happen.
Today rained all day in London. Perfect weather to stay in bed sleeping... Ah! I'd try to find more information about the abandoned building on top of Brick Lane but still nothing on that. Apparently I have to fill up a form to get all information I need and the response comes in 20 days!!!!! One more thing, they can charge me some £££ for that piece of information... What a bureaucratic country - I thought.
Later. X

Friday, 19 February 2010

Celebrity spotting

Uh-oh last night it was a night of seeing famous people. Start it up by meeting up a friend in Oxford Circus then going to a photograph exhibition where we had a delicious free dinner!! Ahhh models they always get what they want!! Ha! At time likes this that I'm glad to be a model.:) At the exhibition I met a couple of friends that I haven't seen in a long time. It was nice to see them and to know they are doing well. After that we went to South kensigton and there we met all the celebs. They were there because of Fashion for Relief party. It was good and fun. Eva was wearing a tight red dress with sleeves dancing away, Kate (wasted)on the corner chatting with Bassey with tons of people around them and Jared being a snob. Paparazzi outside waiting to get a glimpse of them... funny!
Alright, I'm pretty tired from all activities from last night and that's it for now. More tomorrow. X

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Sofa time turning into a fur argument

Today I spent most of the day reading a book about media and what are the role of being a journalist is coming to. Is it a distinct occupation or is growing closer to marketing or advertising? Basically, "the main concern of the media giants is to make journalism directly profitable." Most of article published out there depends on its advertisers and what the media owners stands for. Well, that's nothing new here...

Today one of my tasks was to get some information from Tower Hamlets on some abandoned buildings. But I did not have much luck on that one. Have to search more into that this weekend...

My subject will change here because I got interrupted by a friend who is against people wearing furs. Oh dear, I have been having an argument for over hours due to fur!!!
Seriously, I don't wear it often and if I do, I only wear vintage or fake ones, I won't advertise for them either.
I will not persecute them but I think, they have the right to wear it and I'm sure they are conscious about it too.
Peta organisations for me its a bit lame they campaign for anti-fur and at the same time they kill little poor animals too. Saying they "rescue them". Yeah right!!
I think there are so much more important issues that need to be solved in this world that this will not be on my top list.
Ahhhh I'm tired of talking about it now. So, if you are willing to discuss more feel free to leave a comment.
p.s: you're a human being not a quadrupeds. Don't get me wrong I love animals and the idea of them getting killed is devasting but that's the world we live in. That's nature.

GaGa fever

She was the big winner on Tuesday night BritAwards. She took 3 gongs home for best international female artist, best international breakthrough act and best international album for ‘The Fame’.
Not too sure about her outfit though...

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Hello chaps, this is going to be a quicky one as I'm late for my Church service. (If you don't know, I'm a Christian and go regularly to my home-country Church in Kilburn Park). Today we had a clear sky and the Sun was shining. Beautiful! It remind me of Summer...ahhh I guess, after all that rain yesterday the clouds were empty?!?
Okay, this morning almost had to miss class due to a phone call from my agency saying I might need to do a shoot because the girl booked was feeling sick. Yay! I thought... finally some work! But that didn't happen. Anyway, went to Uni, as usual and we learned how to make a good and informative CV. I honestly, made one from a template last night and fortunately my tutor didn't ask to see it - I've done it all wrong! He gave us good tips that will be very useful in the future but what I did was completely the opposite and thought it was alright... Today's class was a good one. I've learned how to make a good CV and a cover letter and that's all the matters. Now I need to make one on my own NOT using a template one. Good times!!
See you tomorrow! Hope you had a good Wednesday!
p.s: if you need some help with your CV here is a link that might help you:
How to make a good CV

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Last week event

Last week I got invited to go to an art gallery called Salon Contemporary.
It was really something to talk about!
All the arts in the exposition were quite shocking or let's said they had a potential. Here is a bit of what I've experienced. Bellow are two 'wedding cakes' if you could call them that!! One represents funerals or the seven capital sins (expressing greed, lust, avarice, melancholy...) and the other represents marriage (expressing hate, death, disloyalty). There was another cake but I thought was too obscene.

Monday, 15 February 2010

2010 !!!!

First text of 2010!
So much has happened since my last blog so let's summarize quickly... Went home for Christmas (which was amazing!!!) and got back just in time to finish my two assessments for University. One advice to you guys: DON'T EVER LET TO DO YOUR ASSESSMENTS ON LAST MINUTE!! You get too stressed and usually a bunch of things turn up at the same time as your assingnment. Neh, not worth it! So, yeah that's my tip for you! Get prepared before-hand and thing will go perfectly fine.
For this year my resolution is to be ahead of things and don't acumulate work. I'd already start it researching for my projects and by the look of things I think I'm on the right path.
2010 only started but I already feel like it's June. I think is the weather, that is definitely not helping.
One thing I have to confess: students life is not all party and glitter. I'm so tight with money right now that's ridiculous. I haven't been like this (broke!) since when I lived with my parents, where I used to ask them for cash. Oh dear!!
Okay, I think that's it for the day. Bed time now! XX
ps: Oh yeah, coffee is one of the few things I need it everyday.